Tree planting happening!

I’m finally putting trees in the ground! But why should i get all the fun/joy of planting a tree. I’m throwing a party to let anyone who wants to come and plant as many trees as they would like.

Designing a multi-varietal orchard

My orchard is not going to be a traditional olive orchard. I am trying to shove as many varieties as I can into my land. My dream is to allow others to create their own blends of olive oil. I needed to map out where all the trees would be going. I have this list of trees and their harvest season.

If you do the math, that is over 1000 trees!! I’ve been under contract to order these for over a year. I’m excited to work on it!

I’d like to cluster similar seasoned trees together. I ended up doing them in a row because the seasonality science is not great. Plus it seems you can harvest olives for oil more generally. Ones for table olives need to be harvested more specifically I think.

And then I mapped it out on my land

A Cry for help

Honestly I’m not really sure what I’m doing here. I believe this will be the best way to plant olive trees and won’t mess with pollination. If you have ideas/suggestions, or know someone who has done something similar, I’d love to chat with them!

As a safeguard I’m planting double of all my varietals. After about 3-5 years I’ll change where they are if I need to and sell off whatever I do not need. They are going in the ground every 9 ft in rows, and 18 ft between rows. That way in the end they’ll be 18’ apart from one another.