Sometimes I forget the importance of them. I think that only I know what is best, and only I can handle it. But really the reason I moved out here was because I felt guided by god to bring my life into other people’s lives. To be where I can be of the most service to my fellow man. So here I am!

People also make this process much easier. From my brother who let me stay with him for a month, to a family friend who has a backhoe business and is willing to do basically everything to get my septic system in place (that is a complete miracle)! I need to have more faith in god, and more faith in people. This will work out and I will have a long list of people that I have better relationships with because of it.

Just a couple thoughts on the importance of relationships and people. I saw this video on FB, and it talks about integrity. Also, a powerful father figure, I wish I could be this impressionable on my adopted kids… But what really struck me, when he mentions

“If it wasn’t for my wife and my children, I’d be lost. Family and friends that’s your real value. Each birthday I don’t look around and say ‘how much money did I make?’ No, I look around and say, ‘look at the people I’ve collected in my life’ look at my family, the rest is just house money.

Also, I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) and every 6 months they have a conference where the leaders give inspiring messages. This last one 2 leaders gave similar messages and similar thoughts back to back. At least that’s how it appeared to me.

  1. Divine Discomfort by Michelle Craig:

…even when our to-do list already looks full. When prompted, we can leave dishes in the sink or an in-box full of challenges demanding attention in order to read to a child, visit with a friend, babysit a neighbor’s children, or serve in the temple. Don’t get me wrong—I am a list maker; I love checking things off. But peace comes in knowing that being more does not necessarily equate to doing more. Responding to discontent by resolving to follow promptings changes the way I think about “my time,” and I see people not as interruptions but as the purpose of my life.

  1. The Joy of Unselfish Service by Cristina Franco:

it will not matter if we sat in the comfy seats or if we struggled to get through the meeting on a rusty folding chair in the back row. It won’t even matter if we, of necessity, stepped into a foyer to comfort a crying baby. What will matter is that we came with a desire to serve, that we noticed those to whom we minister and greeted them joyfully, and that we introduced ourselves to those sharing our row of folding chairs—reaching out with friendship even though we aren’t assigned to minister to them. And it will certainly matter that we do all that we do with the special ingredient of service coupled with love and sacrifice.

To you folks out there that are my friends, and those who aren’t… I’ll be making a more concentrated effort to be available, and ask you for help as well. Reltaionships and friendships are built on helping one another. Thank you all!

These are the main people that influence me to be the best I can be!